Bletchingley Conservation
and Historical Society


"To conserve and preserve, as far as possible, for this generation and for posterity that which is beautiful, of historic interest, and of value in our district".



Held in the Village Hall, behind Lawrences the antiques dealer, in the High Street (postcode RH1 4PA) on the second Thursday of the month at 8pm (except the AGM). Free car parking on site.

See our WHAT'S ON page for our latest programme, and Latest News above for our next meeting.


Come along to any individual meeting for £3 on the door or why not join as a member at £8 for the whole season - see our Contacts Page.


Latest News:

Welcome to our latest Season of Talks and Activities.

Next meeting: Thursday 13th February 2025 at 8pm.We will be showing a film about the village: 'New Stories from Bletchingley and The Grange' by Dave McCleave. There promises to be stories, intrigue and popcorn. Dave will have updated copies of his book for sale at the meeting.


Our thanks to Dave McCleave for redesigning the society's logo which you can see in the collage at the top of the page.

Tower House (when it had no tower)